
[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D乐高积木三维场景动画训练视频教程

小蝴蝶 2024-01-28 109 0
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壹盘资源 FXPHD - C4D223 - Interdisciplinary Building Blocks in Cinema 4D.part1.rar (700.00MB)
壹盘资源 FXPHD - C4D223 - Interdisciplinary Building Blocks in Cinema 4D.part2.rar (700.00MB)
壹盘资源 FXPHD - C4D223 - Interdisciplinary Building Blocks in Cinema 4D.part3.rar (43.56MB)

C4D乐高积木三维场景动画训练视频教程 FXPHD – C4D223 – Cinema 4D中的跨学科构建块 MP4 1600x1000 |总时间:5h 04m | ENG |包含的项目文件 Cinema 4D中的跨学科构建基块在一门课程中结合了流行3D设计应用程序的不同方面。目标是创建一个精心设计和概念化的项目,类似于可允许您从玩具块中构建3D对象的装备或模板。各个零件本身都很简单,但是当组合在一起时,它们可以形成具有完全模块化设置的复杂形状或对象。 该过程从对块进行适当的3D建模开始,使用细分技术获得美观的几何图形,而不仅仅是使图元相互碰撞和相交。从那里开始,需要一个用户数据控制面板来帮助控制各个块的大小,方向和颜色等每个必要的选项。它与XPresso绑定在一起,以使每个块的属性可互换且可正常使用。创建块后,可以将其形成3D对象。 然后,创意就在这里流动,我们探索使用MoGraph效果器和更多XPresso动画化对象组装的多个不同选项。该项目旨在让用户自由创建自己想得到的任何东西,并在Cinema 4D中创建适当的基础,从而简化和简化设计过程。 迈克尔·萨博(Michael Szabo)是一位运动设计师,住在佛罗里达州迈阿密。他是一位狂热的Cinema 4D艺术家,并热衷于担任运动设计教授。他组织了南佛罗里达的动画用户社区Miami MoGraph FXPHD – C4D223 – Interdisciplinary Building Blocks in Cinema 4D MP4 1600x1000 | Total time: 5h 04m | ENG | Project Files Included Interdisciplinary Building Blocks in Cinema 4D combines different aspects of the popular 3D design application within one course. The goal is to create a well-designed and conceptualized project, akin to a rig or a template that allows you to build 3D objects out of toy blocks. The individual pieces are simple on their own, but when combined together they can form a complex shape or object with a completely modular setup. The process starts with proper 3D modeling of the blocks, using subdivision techniques to get good looking geometry, rather than just crashing and intersecting primitives into each other. From there, a user data control panel is required to help control every necessary option of the individual blocks, from their size, orientation and color. This is rigged together with XPresso to make the properties for each block interchangeable and functional. After the blocks have been created, they can be formed into a 3D object. Then the creativity flows where we explore multiple different options for animating the assembly of our object using MoGraph effectors and some more XPresso. The project aims to be open-ended with the user creating anything they can imagine, and with a proper foundation created in Cinema 4D the design process becomes streamlined and simplified. Michael Szabo is a motion designer who lives in Miami, Florida. He is an avid Cinema 4D artist and has a passion for education as a motion design professor. He organizes Miami MoGraph, a animation user community in South Florida

[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D乐高积木三维场景动画训练视频教程


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