
[模型贴图素材]模型贴图素材 160组Modo材质资料库合集

星星光 2024-01-28 62 0
壹盘资源提供的[模型贴图素材]模型贴图素材 160组Modo材质资料库合集下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[模型贴图素材]模型贴图素材 160组Modo材质资料库合集,或保存[模型贴图素材]模型贴图素材 160组Modo材质资料库合集到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
壹盘资源 160组Modo材质资料库合集.rar (391.43MB)

160组Modo材质资料库合集 本合辑是关于160组Modo材质资料库合集,大小:390 MB,格式:lxp,包含160组Modo材质库,共广大设计师学习使用。 GUMROAD MODO MATERIAL LIBRARY VizPack: Products is a collection of over 160 materials providing a range of detailed and physically accurate shaders to cover many different needs. With a focus on product renders the materials in this collection are general purpose materials representing the clean, unblemished materials required for visualisation work. Worn and damaged materials will feature in future packs, but the emphasis here is on highly detailed shaders of materials in new condition. These materials are the result of years of research, using both measured data and visual references to create the most accurate and realistic materials possible. The materials are designed to look good both from a distance and in close-up, with layers of detail that become apparent when you zoom in on them. The materials on offer in this collection are more detailed and consistent than those that ship with Modo by default, and will give better results in high quality renders. From metals, to woods, fabrics, and plastics, you will find materials to suit many different kinds of projects, either to use as they are, or as starting points for further customization. By using this library you can take the guesswork out of shading and texturing, knowing that the materials all use physically accurate values and are based on real-world references. The materials are also compatible with the Tagger kit created by Adam O’Hern. Please note that these materials are designed for use with Modo’s native renderer – Vray

[模型贴图素材]模型贴图素材 160组Modo材质资料库合集


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