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Introduction to Modeling in Maya.part2.rar (382.17MB)
Introduction to Modeling in Maya.part1.rar (800.00MB)
MP4 1280x720 |总时间:4h 30m | ENG |包含的项目文件
在本教程中,我们将在Maya 2014中进行建模过程。我们将使用基于项目的方法,因为它涵盖了建模的基础知识,常见的工具,并讨论了一些省时的技巧和生产技术。我们将从查看可用的各种几何类型开始。您将学习如何将模型组织到层次结构中,并保持场景整洁高效。我们还将看一下几种建模工具,包括多边形工具(例如拉伸和用于增加分辨率的插入边缘循环工具),NURBS工具(例如放样和拉伸以创建光滑表面),以及Maya 2014中的一些新工具。我们将研究如何使用平滑工作流,并使用变形器帮助塑造我们的模型。在本入门教程中,我们将采用略有不同的方法,因为我们不会谈论Maya的所有建模工具,而是着重于在开始使用时会发现最有用的工具。建模过程。
Introduction to Modeling in Maya
MP4 1280x720 | Total time: 4h 30m | ENG | Project Files Included
In this tutorial we'll go through the modeling process in Maya 2014. We'll use a project-based approach as we cover the basics of modeling, look at commonly used tools, and talk about some time-saving tips and production techniques. We'll begin by looking at the various types of geometry available to you. You'll learn how to organize your model into hierarchies and keep your scene clean and efficient. We'll also take a look at several modeling tools, including polygonal tools like extrude and the insert edge loop tool for adding resolution, NURBS tools like loft and extrude to create smooth surfaces, and a few of the new tools in Maya 2014 as well. We'll take a look at using a smoothing workflow and use deformers to help shape our models. We're going to take a slightly different approach to this introduction tutorial, in that we're not going to talk about all of Maya's modeling tools, but rather focus on the tools that you're going to find most useful as you begin the modeling process.