
[设计教程下载]Fusion360教程 Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程

嚓茶挑 2024-01-28 87 0
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壹盘资源 Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程.part1.rar (4.00GB)
壹盘资源 Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程.part2.rar (708.34MB)
壹盘资源 Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程.part2.rar (708.34MB)
壹盘资源 Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程.part1.rar (4.00GB)

Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程本教程是关于Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程,时长:6小时30分,大小:4.6 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,使用软件:Fusion 360,作者:John Helfen,共5个章节,语言:英语。 I created this tutorial to give any artist a solid design foundation as well as a clear path forward in design. I also to include my thoughts on how to improve as an artist and designer. I find that people struggle to apply the principals and wanted to make it easier to pick up and start implementing in their own work. This is especially true for 3D art, as a 3D artist first, I know getting into design can be difficult, I include 3D examples and breakdowns so its easier to see contextualize and apply. Of course though these principals can be applied to any medium and at any skill level. WHAT YOU GET: – 6.5 hours weapon design demo from start to finish, with real-time commentary. – Weapon Model Files FREE for personal or commercial use. (IGES/OBJ/FBX files included.) MAIN COURSE: – 10 chapters of video lessons coving the following principals: 1. Vocabulary 2. How to learn (advice and tips for growing as an artist) 3. Hierarchy/ Eveness 4. Echoing 5. Rhythm and Repetition 6. Shape and Form Contrast 7. Depth and Overlap 8. Grouping 9. Detail Distribution 10. Balance and Flow -Bonus video on Quick Design Tips and Learning strategies -Design infographics and list of good resources for continued learning.

[设计教程下载]Fusion360教程 Fusion 360概念科幻游戏武器设计视频教程


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