
[设计教程下载]3dsmax教程 3ds Max + V-Ray从基础到专业12小时讲解训练视频教程(2/2020更新)

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3ds Max + V-Ray从基础到专业12小时讲解训练视频教程(2/2020更新) 类型:在线学习| MP4 |视频:h264,1280x720 |音频:aac,22005 Hz 语言:英语| VTT |大小:5.76 GB |持续时间:12.5小时 您将学到什么 在课程的前6小时内创建第一个Arch Viz项目,从头开始学习3ds Max + V-Ray 通过遵循专业工作流程以及多个项目,将您的渲染知识从基础知识转变为专业知识 使用两个行业标准软件包3ds Max和V-Ray轻松创建 学习使用Photoshop进行纹理创建和后期处理渲染 了解Vray的材料,照明和照相机。 为开始3D可视化职业奠定基础。 使用3ds Max和Vray完成您的第一个逼真的专业渲染。 提高您的照明,构图和后处理技能 通过遵循课程项目,开始创建具有专业外观的3d可视化。 在学习了第一个项目的基础知识之后,使用最新版本的软件跳入更高级的项目 定期添加新内容 调整知识以获取软件的最新版本 要求 64位Windows操作系统 电脑与互联网 能够下载/安装试用版软件 基本计算机知识 具备CAD,3d软件,照片编辑,美术/插图方面的知识-有用但不是必需的。 在设计领域的先前经验是有帮助的,但也没有必要。 描述 *课程更新于06/14/2019-添加了两个具有更先进技术的新实践项目 *更多内容即将推出(用于高级建筑的先进技术,带有V-Ray的内部渲染,动画等) *我将成为您的技术支持-我每天都在讨论区回答问题,而且我总是会回复您的私人留言。在这些高级计算机程序中,您不可避免地会遇到技术问题。我一直在这里回答您所有的问题并帮助您进行故障排除。您无法在任何地方找到另一门可以提供这么多培训的课程,这是由一个专业的专业人员提供的,而且价格合理,您也可以随时向您求助。 *最近的学生反馈 缺失的环节 完成了许多在线3D课程之后,我一直在寻找新的做事方式来加快生产和建模速度。该课程虽然基本,但结构清晰,几乎没有歧义。亚当在简介片段中概述的内容是您在课程结束时应该相对轻松地实现的目标。 。唯一的缺点是他还没有完成更高级的可视化课程。当他们投产时,我无疑会参加,因为他在行业中的技能和经验来自他的演讲。注意:实际上,我现在有一些更高级的课程。 本课程对于3ds max和V-ray的初学者来说是完美的。信息清晰易懂。该课程是爆炸式的... 关于本课程: 当我第一次学习本课程时,它是为了填补我在arch viz行业中注意到的空白。那里没有很多教程可以帮助您使用PRO软件和PRO工作流程从一开始就以专业的方式学习Arch Viz。因此,我创建了这门课程,而且我从未想象过它变得如此流行!自从我第一次出版以来,它也发生了很大的变化。以下是一些重要的知识: 原始课程 从一开始就教3ds Max和V-Ray 从零开始一直跟踪项目 演示我每天作为执业专业人员使用的确切工作流程(因此是PRO部分) 使用我的UI设置,快捷方式等(所有都可下载供您使用) 向您展示创建基本项目所需的一切 使用3ds Max 2011,因此只要您拥有3ds Max 2011,您就应该能够进行操作(必要时已进行了更新,以考虑到最新版本的更改) 从头到尾包含6 HRS的视频 其他内容 带给您最新版本的软件的最新信息,并填补了它们存在的空白 更先进的技术(例如HDRI照明等) 更先进,更复杂的项目 目前还有两个其他项目,包括高级内饰和外饰。 制作质量比原始视频高得多 定期添加很棒的新内容,使您了解新技术,软件更新等。 新项目即将推出 关于3ds Max和V-Ray: 知道如何一起使用这两个程序是一项宝贵的技能。认真的说,很多年前,我自学了如何使用这些程序,现在我的专业知识使我获得了丰厚的报酬。 3d不仅仅是我的爱好,也是我支持家人的方式。您可以学习,也可以在3d中开始职业。本课程需要您入门的所有内容。我将从一开始就带您了解3ds Max和V-Ray,到最后,您将完全可以创建自己的图像并用精美的作品填充您的作品集。请记住,您不要 Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 22005 Hz Language: English | VTT | Size: 5.76 GB | Duration: 12.5 hours What you'll learn Learn 3ds Max + V-Ray from scratch by creating your first arch viz project in the first 6 hrs of the course Take your rendering knowledge from basic to pro by following along with multiple projects using a pro workflow Become comfortable creating with the two industry standard software packages, 3ds Max and V-Ray Learn to use Photoshop for texture creation and post-processing your renderings Learn Vray materials, lighting and cameras. Provide the foundation for starting a career in 3d visualization. Complete your first photoreal, professional rendering using 3ds Max and Vray. Improve your lighting, composition, and post-processing skills Start creating professional looking 3d visualization by following along with the course projects. After learning the basics with the first projects, jump into more advanced projects with the latest versions of the software New content added regularly Adjust your knowledge for the most up to date versions of the software Requirements 64 bit Windows operating system Computer and Internet Ability to download / install trial software Basic computer knowledge Knowledge of CAD, 3d software, photo editing, art / illustration -- helpful but not necessary. Previous experience in a design field is helpful, but also not necessary. Description *Course Updated 06/14/2019 - 2 new practice projects being added with more advanced techniques *Much more content coming soon (advanced techniques for arch viz, interior renderings with V-Ray, animation, etc) *I'll be your technical support - I answer questions every day in the discussion area, and I always respond to your private messages. In these advanced computer programs, you will inevitably run into technical problems. I am always here to answer all your questions and help you troubleshoot. You can't find another course anywhere that gives you this much training, from a practicing professional, who is also at your beckon call to help, for such a reasonable price. *Recent Student Feedback The Missing Link Having done numerous on-line 3D courses I am always looking for new ways of doing things to speed up production and modeling. The course although basic is very well structured with very few ambiguities. What Adam outlines in the Intro clip is what you should achieve relatively easily by the end of the course. . The only downside is that he hasn't done more advanced Visualisation courses yet. When they do come on stream I will no doubt enroll as his skill and experience within the industry comes through in his presentation. NOTE: I do, in fact, have some more advanced classes now. This course is perfect for the beginners in 3ds max and V-ray. The information is clear and easy to understand. The course was a blast... About This Course: When I first made this course, it was to fill a void that I noticed in the arch viz industry. There are not a lot of tutorials out there that help you to learn arch viz from the beginning in a professional way, using the PRO software and a PRO workflow. So, I created this course, and I never could have imagined how popular it has become! It has also evolved a lot since that first time I published. Here are some key things to know: ORIGINAL COURSE teaches 3ds Max and V-Ray from the very beginning follows a project from nothing, all the way to the end demonstrates the exact workflow that I use daily as a practicing professional (thus the PRO part) uses my UI setup, shortcuts, etc (all downloadable for your use) shows you everything you need to know to create a basic project uses 3ds Max 2011, so as long as you have any version after that, you should be able to follow (updates have been made where necessary to account for changes all the way up to most current versions) contains 6 HRS of video from start to finish ADDITIONAL CONTENT brings you up to speed with the latest versions of the software and fills in the gaps where they exist more advanced techniques (i.e. HDRI lighting, etc) more advanced and complex projects currently two additional projects to follow along with, including an advanced interior and exterior. much higher production quality than original videos awesome new content being added regularly to make you aware of new techniques, software updates, etc. new projects coming soon About 3ds Max and V-Ray: Knowing how to use these two programs together is a valuable skill. Seriously, I taught myself how to use these programs many years ago, and now I get paid quite well for my expertise. 3d is not just my hobby, it is also how I support my family. You can learn, and start a career in 3d too. Everything you need to get started is in this course. I will take you through 3ds Max and V-Ray from the very beginning, and by the end you will be well on your way to creating your own images and filling up your portfolio with polished work. Keep in mind, you do not typically need formal training to get a job in 3D. What it takes is an awesome portfolio, so let's get started on yours. Some Questions To Ask Yourself: Are you currently in a job you do not enjoy?Jobs in 3d are seriously fun and rewarding! Are you an architecture student who feels overwhelmed sometimes trying to learn complicated software just to present your design properly? This course can get you up and running QUICK! Plus, you'll learn it the right way, from a pro. Are you a SketchUp user who is no longer satisfied with the modeling / rendering capabilities of SketchUp, and are ready to take your 3d skills to the next level? SketchUp is great at what it does, but it falls short when it comes to making flashy, photoreal images. Also, bring your sketchUp with you, then learn to import it into 3ds Max and render with V-Ray, the best render engine out there. Are you a practicing architect that needs a better way to portray your designs to clients? You've come to the right place. I am an expert at just that. Maybe you're a gamer who wants to create your own game assets? Even you should learn 3ds Max. It is the industry standard for video games, and I personally have used it for asset creation for my unity 3d games. Course Structure (Original 6 hrs of instruction) For absolute beginners, I will show you how to get the software as a free trial and start finding your way around. I will also go over how to customize your UI for a professional workflow, because why learn the slow way to do things, right? I'll also share with you my custom UI files. Of course, you can skip all of this if you are more seasoned. Next we will start with the basics of modeling. I will show you different techniques, and we will begin to work on our project. Again, files will be provided if you want / need them. With modeling down, we will go into V-Ray and start playing with lighting, materials, cameras, render settings, etc. Finally, we will learn how to enhance our images with Photoshop. I give some great post-processing tips in this course. By the end you will be able to create architectural renderings on your own with a completely professional setup and workflow. Then it is your turn to start practicing your skills, creating beautiful work, building a portfolio and landing a job. AFTER THE INITIAL PROJECT - once you have completed your first project and learned the basics, I will then move into more advanced techniques (also, there is fully professional interior V-Ray project coming soon that students will be able to learn along with -- this is for more advanced users, or people who are ready to move on from the initial 6 hrs of instruction) How Will This Course Benefit You? If you are a beginner, this class will be a great overview of how to get up and running. It will cut out all the stuff you do not need and show you exactly the workflow necessary to work like a pro. If you are a veteran user, take this course to polish your V-Ray skills, and also to streamline your workflow. I show so many tips and tricks that I use everyday to pump out arch viz projects fast and on budget. There is no need to sacrifice quality and creativity if you can fly through the project quickly and on budget. I'll show you how. COMING SOON: If you feel like you have mastered the basics, I have now added more advanced / obscure techniques that can really help your images to stand out, and much more will be coming soon, including a professional V-Ray interior shot that is completely photoreal. Ready To Sign Up? What are you waiting for? If you're still not sure, check out the preview videos. Also, check out my profile to the left and see some of my portfolio. Cool, right? Wan't to make some of your own images? Let's get started. 6 hrs is all you need to get started, then take the skills I share and practice, practice, practice. Remember, I will provide the files and download links that you need for everything. My models are included. Come with nothing, leave with a finished project and a great knowledge base. Start Your Love Affair With 3d Today! PURCHASE THE COURSE. *If the price isn't right, keep an eye out for Udemy promotions and coupon codes around the web, but I think a 6 hr training for $64 is a pretty good deal. Sure beats a semester at community college *30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked! (If you hate it, get a refund) -Adam Zollinger Professional (self-taught and ready to teach you) 3d Artist Who this course is for: Design professionals who want to learn 3D Architecture students SketchUp users looking to advance their skill set Anyone with a vague interest in 3d Draftsman who are interested in learning rendering Architects Current 3ds Max users who want to learn how to work with Vray Gamers who want to learn to model their own game assets (especially architectural ones) in 3ds Max.

[设计教程下载]3dsmax教程 3ds Max + V-Ray从基础到专业12小时讲解训练视频教程(2/2020更新)


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