
[设计教程下载]3dsmax教程 3DS MAX水流动画流体特效模拟训练视频教程

蜜粉友 2024-01-28 91 0
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壹盘资源 RedefineFXPhoenixFDBeginnerLiquidFXCourse.part1.rar (700.00MB)
壹盘资源 RedefineFXPhoenixFDBeginnerLiquidFXCourse.part2.rar (66.88MB)

3DS MAX水流动画流体特效模拟训练视频教程 RedefineFX – Phoenix FD初学者液体FX课程 信息: 液体模拟比看起来容易得多。实际上,本课程只有几节课,您将可以轻松进行精美的3D水仿真,以确保震撼客户,在Instagram上大放异彩并给您的卷轴带来高端的感觉。像苹果这样的大型公司在其预告片中使用液体模拟游戏来展示防水能力和其他极酷的效果。无论是Archviz的喷泉,Productviz的防水性还是苏打水广告的慢动作喷水,您都可以立即将这些实用知识应用到您的工作中。我已经利用这些效果吸引了高端客户,并为每个项目收取了数千美元的费用,并且我将在这门充满价值的课程中教授所有这些内容 Phoenix FD是一款出色的3Ds Max插件,可让您完全在3Ds Max中创建液体模拟。 与RealFlow不同,网格划分是在渲染过程中自动进行的 大量的Vray优化(均由同一公司制造)可实现FAST渲染 别误会,RealFlow在某些情况下非常出色,但我的真正挚爱是Phoenix,因为它非常简单易用。 设置更有意义 模拟速度很快,您可以很快获得良好的结果。 混合不同颜色的液体等效果非常容易设置 粒子流和tyFlow支持可带来一些壮观的效果,例如逼真的雨水 诸如“力和路径跟随”之类的有趣帮助器允许对象变形和样条跟随效果 毫不费力地获得高度逼真的结果(请参见下面的“喷泉和瀑布”示例) 用于主要电影和电视节目的制作,例如《权力的游戏》 RedefineFX – Phoenix FD Beginner Liquid FX Course Info: Liquid simulations are much simpler to make than they seem. In fact, just a few lessons into this course, you’ll feel comfortable running beautiful 3D water simulations that are sure to blow your clients’ minds, make a splash on Instagram & give a high-end feel to your reel. Liquid sims are used by big players like Apple in their launch trailers, to showcase waterproof ability & other extremely cool effects. You can immediately take this practical knowledge and apply it to your work, whether it’s a fountain for Archviz, water-resistance for Productviz or a slow-motion water splash for a soda commercial. I’ve used these effects to attract high-end clients and charge thousands of dollars per project & I’m teaching it all in this value-packed course Phoenix FD is an amazing plug-in for 3Ds Max that allows you to create liquid simulations entirely within 3Ds Max. Unlike RealFlow, the meshing takes place automatically during rendering Heavy Vray optimization (both made by same company) allows for FAST rendering Don’t get me wrong, RealFlow is great in certain situations, but my true love is Phoenix because it’s so much simpler and easier to use. The settings make so much more sense Simulation is fast, and you can get good results very quickly. Effects like mixing liquids of different colors are surprisingly simple to setup Particle Flow & tyFlow support allows for some spectacular effects, such as realistic rain Fun helpers such as Body Force & Path follow allow for object morphing and spline follow effects Highly realistic results with little effort (see Fountain & Waterfall examples below) Used in production on major motion pictures & TV Shows such as Game of Thrones

[设计教程下载]3dsmax教程 3DS MAX水流动画流体特效模拟训练视频教程


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