
[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D卡通怪兽完整制作流程视频教程

火龙果蜜 2024-01-28 80 0
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壹盘资源 卡通怪兽完整制作流程视频教程.rar (1.48GB)

C4D卡通怪兽完整制作流程视频教程本教程是关于C4D卡通怪兽完整制作流程视频教程,时长:2小时,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:CINEMA 4D,共19个章节,作者:Moy Lobito,语言:英语。 In this course you will learn the process of creating a 3D character in Cinema 4D. We will start with an empty file and work our way up to modeling, sculpting, texturing, and rendering a 3D character that looks awesome and is animation friendly. We will get the most out of the different tools that Cinema 4D offers, implementing different modeling and texturing techniques that will make your 3D life much easier for this and any future projects you work. We will create the UVs and texture our character using Cinema 4D’s Body Paint to get a set of nice looking hand painted textures. We will also use an HDR image and a few lights to lit our final scene, and make some amazing renders. This course focuses on creating the 3D character you can see in the promo video, but you can use the techniques you learn here to create any other cartoon character you want. I’m confident that at the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of the 3D modeling process and you will be able to start creating your own 3D characters. You’ll learn to: Model a beatutiful and cool looking 3D cartoony monster. Understand the character modeling pipeline in Cinema 4D. Model 3D objects and characters that are animation friendly. Create hand painted textures in Cinema 4D’s Body Paint. Lit a 3D scene using HRDIs.

[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D卡通怪兽完整制作流程视频教程


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