
[设计教程下载]ZBrush教程 ZBrush中的风格化人物创作训练视频教程

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壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part11.rar (597.04MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part03.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part09.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part08.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part07.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part04.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part05.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part01.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part02.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part06.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 ArtHeroesStylizedCharacterProgram.part10.rar (800.00MB)

ZBrush中的风格化人物创作训练视频教程 艺术英雄– ZBrush中的风格化人物创作 信息: 创建复杂的程式化字符 您将证明自己可以从头开始制作出令人惊叹的作品 处理解剖结构和坚硬表面 您将开发出适用于各种项目的多种技能 在您的投资组合中添加专业作品 在不到2个月的时间内创作出此作品,并为您带来更多机会 改善您的工作流程并学习工具 更好地使用Zbrush,学习技巧来优化您的工作流程并立即实施 在时间限制下更好地工作 这是一个步调高,精力充沛的学习环境,与现实生活中的项目非常相似! 第一周:封锁角色 从一个领域开始,您将研究概念并学习识别构建基块。在第一周,您将建立基本的解剖结构。 第二周:专注于脸和手 在第2周,您将构建每个角色中最困难的部分-脸部和身体。您还要确保她也有个性! 第三周:工装 您将为您的角色一件一件地制作T恤,夹克,靴子和裤子,以确保她拥有所有细节,并且褶皱看起来正确。 第四周:添加配件 您已经听说过细节很重要,对吧?在第4周中,我们将制作武器,链条和其他使角色完整的零件。 第五周:美容通行证和拓扑 您将遍历角色,从整体上看待您的作品,确保所有作品协同工作。我们还将在必要时修复拓扑。 第六周:纹理和演示 最后,您的荣耀时刻。到第6周结束时,您将拥有需要抛光和摆姿势的完整角色。 7-8周:最终项目 完成最后一个项目,并学习如何展示您的角色以获得胜利。几乎是整个程序中最重要的部分-等待已久! Art Heroes – Stylized Characters Creation in ZBrush Info: Create complex stylized characters You’ll prove that you can create amazing pieces by making one from scratch Work with anatomy and hard surface You’ll develop a diverse skillset that is applicable in variety of projects Add a professional piece to your portfolio Create this piece in under 2 months and let it open you to more opportunities Improve your workflow and learn tools Get better at using Zbrush, learn tricks to optimize your workflow and implement it all right away Work better under time constraints It’s a high-pace and high-energy learning environment, very similar to real life projects! Week 1: Blocking out the character Starting from a sphere, you will look at the concept and learn to identify building blocks. On week one you will build basic anatomy. Week 2: Focus on face and hands On Week 2, you will build the most difficult parts of every character – face and body. You’ll make sure that she has a personality, too! Week 3: Craft clothes Piece by piece, you will create T-shirt, jacket, boots and pants for your character, ensuring she has all the details, and that the folds look right. Week 4: Adding accessories You’ve heard that details matter, right? During Weeks 4 we’ll create weapon, chains and other pieces that make the character complete. Week 5: Beauty pass and topology You will go over the character looking at your work as a whole, ensuring all pieces work together. We’ll also fix topology where necessary. Week 6: Texturing and presentation Finally, your moment of glory. By the end of week 6, you will have a complete character that you need to polish and pose. Weeks 7-8: Final Project Complete the final project and learn how to present your character for the win. Almost the most important part of the whole program – and long waited for!

[设计教程下载]ZBrush教程 ZBrush中的风格化人物创作训练视频教程


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