壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]AE教程 AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]AE教程 AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程,或保存[设计教程下载]AE教程 AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程.rar (297.10MB)
AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程.rar (297.10MB)
AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程本教程是关于AE三维纵深视差特效实例制作视频教程,时长:1小时30分,大小:240 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:,作者:Maggie Osama,共4个章节,语言:英语。
What are the requirements?
A running / trial version of Adobe After Effects ( not older than CS3 )
It’s recommended to be familiar with Adobe After Effects Layout, Keyframing and the five basic transforms
What am I going to get from this course?
LEARN the techniques which you could then build on and create your own 3D Parallax Slideshows style using Adobe After Effects .
CREATE 3D Parallax Photo Slideshow Easily using Adobe After Effects .
TURN your simple 2D still images into an amazing moving 3D storytelling slideshow .
GET the After Effects project file and the necessary assets to work along with .
What is the target audience?
This course is for intermediate users of Adobe After Effects