

发卡淡淡 2024-01-28 152 0
壹盘资源 My Very First Mother GOOSE鹅妈妈 MP3
  ├─ 壹盘资源 [教育盘整理,更多教育资源请到jiaoyupan.com]
  ├─ 壹盘资源 53 The mole[教育盘整理,更多教育资源请到jiaoyupan.com].mp3 (947.08KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 52 Twinkle, twinkle,little star.mp3 (737.50KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 51 Tinker, tailor.mp3 (608.09KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 50 Little boy blue, come blow your horn.mp3 (1.41MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 49 I am a Girl Guide.mp3 (863.47KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 48 Will you come to my party.mp3 (1.06MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 47 Simple Simon met a pieman.mp3 (1.08MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 46 As I was walking through the city.mp3 (1.31MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 45 I had a little hen.mp3 (989.10KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 44 Cross-patch,draw the latch.mp3 (741.62KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 43 Star light, star bright.mp3 (902.86KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 42 Chook, chook,chook,chook.mp3 (1.03MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 41 Whose pigs are these.mp3 (827.10KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 40 One for sorrow two for joy.mp3 (821.49KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 39 One, two, three, four.mp3 (587.11KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 38 Here we go round the mulberry ush.mp3 (727.00KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 37 I asked my mother for fifty cents.mp3 (796.00KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 36 From Wibbleton to Wobbleton.mp3 (864.24KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 35 Great A, little a.mp3 (500.85KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 34 I see the moon.mp3 (907.72KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 33 Sally go round the sun.mp3 (574.73KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 32 Mademoiselle she went to the well.mp3 (770.88KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 31 Baa, baa, black sheep.mp3 (794.48KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 30 Pease porridge hot.mp3 (500.10KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 29 Early in the morning at eight o'clock.mp3 (871.39KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 28 I had a sausage.mp3 (861.97KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 27 I had a little dolly dressed in green.mp3 (882.64KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 26 Diddle, diddle, dumpling.mp3 (859.36KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 25 Pat-a-cake.pat-a-cake , baker's man.mp3 (899.88KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 24 The cat's got the measles.mp3 (872.11KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 23 Dickory, dickory,dare.mp3 (697.36KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 22 Dickory, dickory,dock.mp3 (834.61KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 21 Hey diddle, diddle.mp3 (799.73KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 20 As I was going toSt. Ives.mp3 (1.36MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 19 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 (928.72KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 18 Donkey,donkey,old and gray.mp3 (704.12KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 17 1,2, buckle my shoe.mp3 (831.60KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 16 Christopher Columbus.mp3 (926.10KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 15 Wash the dishes.mp3 (687.22KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 14 Jelly on a plate.mp3 (1.35MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 13 To market, to market,to buy a fat pig.mp3 (826.01KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 12 Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross.mp3 (754.00KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 11 I'm a little teapot.mp3 (719.10KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 10 Warm hands, warm.mp3 (520.35KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 09 Rain on the green grass.mp3 (542.11KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 08 Cackle,cackle,Mother Goose.mp3 (677.86KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 07 Down at the station, early in the morning.mp3 (874.39KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 06 I'm Dusty Bill.mp3 (522.59KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 05 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.mp3 (729.99KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 04 shoo fly, don't bother me.mp3 (592.74KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 03 Jack and Jill went up the hill.mp3 (857.87KB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 02 Mable Mable [Chapter 1] Jack and Jill.mp3 (409.39KB)
  └─ 壹盘资源 01 Jerry Hall.mp3 (691.71KB)



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