
[设计教程下载]Houdini教程 Houdini VEX和Python编程语言基础知识训练视频教程

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壹盘资源 FXPHDHOU217IntroductiontoHoudiniVEXandPython.part1.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 FXPHDHOU217IntroductiontoHoudiniVEXandPython.part2.rar (26.20MB)

Houdini VEX和Python编程语言基础知识训练视频教程 时长2h 3m包含的MP4项目文件 标题:FXPHD – HOU217 – Houdini VEX和Python简介 信息: 本课程涵盖了VEX,Houdini的表达语言的基础知识,以及如何使用Houdini的Python API。我们将研究优势和劣势,以及何时应选择一种优势。 VEX是任何技术主管的必备工具,因此我们将介绍其语法,VEX和VEXpressions之间的差异以及如何在SOP和DOP中使用它以优化系统的所有基础知识。稍后,我们将看一些更高级的示例,例如点云查找和用于处理变形字符并最终仅使用VEX产生溶解效果的矩阵变换。 建议使用Python的基本知识和对面向对象编程的理解,因为整个Python组件完全集中于Python在Houdini中的工作方式和对Houdini对象模型的理解。在这一部分中,我们将介绍使用Python处理节点,参数和几何图形,以及读取Houdini中的大数据集以创建夜间从太空看到的一个国家的城市灯光的渲染的情况。在最后一个练习中,我们将创建一个架子工具,该工具将收集场景中的每个几何ROP,为每个几何ROP创建Fetch ROP,最后将它们合并在一起,以提供一种方便的方式来缓存所有几何。 Jeronimo Maggi的职业生涯始于3D多面手,在过去的4年中一直与Houdini合作担任FX艺术家。他曾在教育领域教授Houdini多年,目前在FX的Method Studios温哥华工作。除了Houdini之外,他还是Python程序,并且喜欢创建工具来加快工作流程。 Duration 2h 3m Project Files Included MP4 Title: FXPHD – HOU217 – Introduction to Houdini VEX and Python Info: This course covers the basics of VEX, Houdini’s expression language, as well as how to use Houdini’s Python API. We will look at the strengths and weaknesses and when you should favour one or the other. VEX is an essential tool for any technical director, so we will cover all the basics starting from its syntax, the difference between VEX and VEXpressions and how it can be used in SOPs and DOPs to optimize your systems. Later on, we will take a look at some more advanced examples like point cloud lookups and matrix transformations for dealing with deforming characters and finally creating a dissolve effect purely using VEX. Basic knowledge of Python and understanding of object-oriented programming is recommended as the whole Python component is completely concentrated on how Python works in Houdini and understanding the Houdini Object Model. In this part, we will go over manipulating nodes, parameters and geometry using Python, as well as reading a big data set in Houdini to create a render of a country’s city lights seen during the night from space. In the final exercise, we will create a shelf tool that will gather every Geometry ROP in the scene, create Fetch ROP for each one of them, and finally merge them together to have a convenient way to cache all the geometry. Jeronimo Maggi started his career as a 3D generalist and has been working with Houdini as an FX Artist for the last 4 years. He worked for several years in the education field teaching Houdini and currently works in Method Studios Vancouver as an FX TD. Aside from Houdini, he is also programs in Python and enjoys creating tools to speed up workflows.

[设计教程下载]Houdini教程 Houdini VEX和Python编程语言基础知识训练视频教程


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