
[设计教程下载]3DCoat教程 3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course i.

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壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]3DCoat教程 3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course i.下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]3DCoat教程 3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course i.,或保存[设计教程下载]3DCoat教程 3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course i.到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
壹盘资源 3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作视频教程
  ├─ 壹盘资源 07 Finalize structure and form
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 011 Goodbye.mp4 (4.78MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 010 Final render.mp4 (53.65MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 009 Curves and pipes.mp4 (74.08MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 008 Surface details.mp4 (64.09MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 007 Color additions.mp4 (54.74MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 006 Posing FIngers.mp4 (25.47MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 005 Using curves to form and clone fingers.mp4 (71.19MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 004 Forearm and hand development.mp4 (50.01MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 003 Elbow refinements.mp4 (74.09MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Silhouette refinements.mp4 (70.78MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Tricky boolean fixes.mp4 (75.94MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 06 Flexible design
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 011 Subtractive exploration.mp4 (55.83MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 010 Elbow exploration.mp4 (51.81MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 009 Subtractive design.mp4 (38.62MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 008 On the fly design conceptualization.mp4 (43.61MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 007 Torso redesign.mp4 (10.72MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 006 Shoe development.mp4 (45.48MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 005 Simple lighting and shaders.mp4 (55.16MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 004 Knee surgery.mp4 (42.00MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 003 Design exploration.mp4 (54.19MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Chest rebuild.mp4 (48.30MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Head rebuild.mp4 (57.10MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 05 Chest refinements
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 004 Extruding effects.mp4 (75.08MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 003 Primitives and new extrusion techniques.mp4 (65.69MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Using brushes to detail.mp4 (55.50MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Chest design.mp4 (65.43MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 04 Create Details
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 003 Arm refinements.mp4 (49.56MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Body block.mp4 (61.79MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Head refinements.mp4 (71.76MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 03 Surface form development
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 003 Refine head.mp4 (66.34MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Refine sculpted form.mp4 (89.33MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Surface form development.mp4 (86.93MB)
  ├─ 壹盘资源 02 Part building
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 008 Working with booleans.mp4 (69.16MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 007 Typical memory errors with booleans.mp4 (90.51MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 006 Voxel layers.mp4 (49.86MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 005 Copying Surfaces.mp4 (25.79MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 004 Extrusion and global space.mp4 (65.23MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 003 Cutoff parts and tool adjustments.mp4 (66.78MB)
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Splitting surfaces and maintaining resolution.mp4 (39.33MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Changing proportions.mp4 (72.57MB)
  └─ 壹盘资源 01 A new frontier
  │  ├─ 壹盘资源 002 Quick overview of the interface.mp4 (95.89MB)
  │  └─ 壹盘资源 001 Course Introduction.mp4 (15.95MB)

3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course i.教程中文名称:3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 教程英文名称:Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course in 3D Coat 教程出品机构:Udemy 教程时长:5小时 教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件 教程使用软件:3DCoat 教程作者:Scott Turner 教程语言:英语 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course in 3D Coat An introduction tutorial to robot modelling and sculpting using hard surface techniques for 3D look development. * Lectures 42 This course explores the amazingly powerful 3D Coat. If you’ve wanted to explore 3D but been confused by which program to learn I highly recommend 3D Coat. It is so easy, yet so incredibly powerful that you can start having fun without immediately worrying about technicalities. We begin the course looking at a variety of ways to create 3D forms. There are lots of tools to use, but we focus on a select few and discover how easy it can be to go from zero to hero – literally! But I don’t want to be guilty of just giving you some marketing blurb. Let’s keep it real. Some of these tools can be self explanatory and may not merit a whole video related to it. However, what this video series provides is a real world peak into some of the deeper issues you may encounter. I include a video where I have a memory overload and then i explain why it happened because its a typical error you will run into as you start adding lots of geometry. I look into global space issues which occur and break symmetry from time to time as you use certain tools and look at ways of creating smoothness without losing the form which seems to be typical in a voxel based environment – and lots of other little details which can ruin your day if you are not aware of them. After I explain our little group of tools, I’ve tried to make the series project based. I explain my process and at one point get inspired by a small detail which totally changed the direction of the model to great success I think. This speaks very highly of 3D Coat . It is very flexible to the creative process and extremely forgiving, allowing you complete fluidity as you work. Z Brush gets all the press, but I am telling you as someone who has been committed to 3d for 20 years, 3D Coat is a special program and the quality of your work will improve massively. But not only that the level of your frustration will correspondingly decline. Even if you do not learn the program from me, put the effort in and learn this amazing product for your own sake. I am a professional who has worked in countless commercials and have taught 3D and visual effects for 10 years using Maya and Z Brush, both excellent products. 3D Coat is my secret weapon of choice. You will not regret the time you invest in these videos where I explore many interesting workflows to achieve form and structure which are simple unrivaled in any other program. VIP会员免费下载:

[设计教程下载]3DCoat教程 3DCoat科幻造型雕刻制作教程 Udemy Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course i.


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