
[设计教程下载]Houdini教程 Houdini影视特效新手入门基础训练视频教程第一部分

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壹盘资源 FXPHDHOU105HoudiniFundamentals1.part1.rar (800.00MB)
壹盘资源 FXPHDHOU105HoudiniFundamentals1.part2.rar (392.04MB)

Houdini影视特效新手入门基础训练视频教程第一部分 时长2h 47m包含的项目文件MP4 标题:FXPHD – HOU105 – Houdini基础知识,收藏1 信息: 这一系列的短期课程旨在使新的Houdini用户在一组核心基础知识的基础上运行。对于专注于该软件的新用户,有很多教程。但是,如果不了解Houdini的程序流程中的数据流和基本工作流程,用户将仍然受到严重限制。尽管这些示例足以供新用户使用,但它们通过学习如何指导几何数据流以及噪声,矢量和旋转,填充,和模拟。 多年以来,安德鲁已被业界公认为FX TD和培训师。电影学分/制片厂包括《木乃伊3》,《阁楼上的外星人》,《罪魁祸首》,《雷神》,萨克·庞克,《变形金刚3》,《大杀手杰克》,以及在Digital Domain,Rhythm and Hues和Animal Logic等电影制片厂的Ender's Game。他在世界各地举办了许多研讨会并撰写了文章,撰写了《霍迪尼》一书,并在动画工作室和fxphd等专门机构进行了正式培训。 Duration 2h 47m Project Files Included MP4 Title: FXPHD – HOU105 – Houdini Fundamentals, Collection 1 Info: This series of short lessons is designed to get a new Houdini user up and running with a set of core fundamentals. There are a lot of tutorials for new users who focus on the software. However, without knowledge of Houdini’s data flow and fundamental workflows in proceduralism, the users will remain severely limited. Although the examples are basic enough for new users to follow along, they touch on concepts which will carry all the way through to advanced setups by learning how to direct the flow of geometry data, and important concepts in noise, vectors and rotations, population, and simulation. For many years Andrew has been recognized by the industry as an FX TD and trainer. Movie credits/studios include Mummy 3, Aliens in the Attic, Invictus, Thor, Sucker Punch, Transformers 3, Jack the Giant Slayer, and Ender’s Game at studios Digital Domain, Rhythm and Hues, and Animal Logic. He’s conducted many seminars around the world and written articles, authored a Houdini book, also conducts formal training at dedicated institutions such as Animation Workshop and fxphd.

[设计教程下载]Houdini教程 Houdini影视特效新手入门基础训练视频教程第一部分


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