壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]Solidworks教程 Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]Solidworks教程 Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程,或保存[设计教程下载]Solidworks教程 Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程.rar (230.02MB)
Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程.rar (230.02MB)
Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程本教程关于Solidworks中MeshTools网格工具使用技巧视频教程,时长:56分,大小:230 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:SOLIDWORKS,作者:David Antanavige,共25个章节,语言:英语。
With the popularity and affordability of 3D scanning, engineers are increasingly relying on scan data to build their designs. SOLIDWORKS has many tools to handle point clouds and meshes and convert this data into elegant 3D models. In this course, instructor David Antanavige focuses on editing and manipulating mesh file types in SOLIDWORKS, and converting the data into usable surface and solid bodies. These techniques can be used to reverse engineer or replace legacy parts, assist with 3D printing and scanning, and create editable geometry. Learn how to open and import scan files, edit and repair meshes, replace faces, and combine and delete bodies with the Boolean geometry tools. Then discover how to use the ScanTo3D feature to manipulate mesh data on import, and use the new SOLIDWORKS 2019 tools for working with mesh BREP bodies. Finally, David shows how to export a mesh in preparation for 3D printing.